Help us to help

Our Mission Statement

Contribute to overcoming poverty and improving the living conditions of various communities based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Initially it will be population in precarious conditions, we will have as communities the people who suffer from poverty in, (Colombia and Switzerland), giving access to opportunities with trainings that promote the creation of microenterprises for the sustainable development of the different areas that we will decide, little by little. According to the resources reached.

Our Vision

Fight against poverty.

We will be a productive project that improves the poverty and employment conditions of the community living in vulnerable areas (Colombia and Switzerland). By 2025 we will be the first initiative to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals. 
Likewise, we will manage to break with the rudimentary and disorganised exploitation system of populations that have lived for a long time in misery, we will generate capacities in the process of community transformation, through resilience. This will be accompanied by the generation of social assets that will allow the inhabitants of these vulnerable areas to appropriate and take advantage of the services offered in a profitable and sustainable way.