Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of the major challenges facing humanity.
Get to know us
“Poverty has many dimensions, but among its causes we can mention unemployment, social exclusion, concentration of wealth and the high vulnerability of certain populations to disasters, diseases and other phenomena that prevent them from being productive.
The analysis of poverty takes into account education in the home, the living conditions of children and adolescents, health, work and access to public services, as well as the ability to have decent housing.
Illiteracy is more prevalent, and most households do not have access to water sources and aqueducts.
Fighting injustice and inequality, by leaving no one behind, achieving success.
The United Nations Assembly established a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) setting out the development of 17 goals and 169 targets to help overcome extreme poverty, in Goal 1 “End Poverty”.

Economic Approach
Strengthening and generation of capacities for the transformation process of recyclable materials. Commercialization Mechanisms.
Protect the environment, help to recover materials such as plastic, this would be part of our raw material.

Social Approach
Generating social assets of citizen ship that allow vulnerable populations and groups to appropriate and take advantage of the supply of services and opportunities in a profitable and sustainable way, thus breaking the system of rudimentary and disorganized exploitation that has characterized many regions until now.
It is estimated that 100 million people around the world are homeless

Environmental Approach
Processes in the environmental field,
facilitating access to all inhabitants to adequate training related to: basic sanitation, drinking water and liquid and solid waste, sustainable development, rural development in degraded areas, strengthening of environmental management, application of appropriate technologies in wastewater management.
Initiatives to Develop Projects, which will Help a Better World.
This is another of the objectives of Ayúdenos A Ayudar, whose main goal is to help vulnerable people living in poverty. Through our project we want to launch an initiative aimed at ending the problem caused by plastic waste, which has harmful repercussions on the environment.

Plastic packaging
Through a project to use plastic waste to create plastic wood from its residues, the association Help Us Help, proposes a triple ecological, social and commercial strategy to people who are in a precarious financial situation.

Ecological Awareness
In our project, we will solicit recycling from schools, officials from different organizations and ,different companies, as well as other associations to obtain our raw material through PET bottles, sweet plastic.

Target population
From this observation we will start the project with a group of 10 people, who are currently facing economic difficulties (unemployment, low income, single mothers).
Proposed Solutions
These initiatives will offer unemployed people the opportunity to take up an activity again, where they will be able to use their experience and the knowledge acquired in their previous activities.
The project of creating a strategic alliance between these workers and a socially responsible company obeys, beyond the objective of profitability, to criteria of social development and sustainability. Therefore, we will be looking for professionals with several years of experience in sectors, who are willing to participate in a strategic alliance for the joint development of the activities.
Plant for the transformation of plastic waste into "plastic wood".
Help Us Help wants to replicate an already successful model in Latin America by building a plant to transform plastic waste into “plastic wood”. The main objective initially is to preserve the Swiss ecosystem in the Greater Geneva region and promote sustainable lifestyles, by analyzing the accumulation of plastic waste that will allow us to offer a more sustainable alternative to wood.
Initiative in favors of people in economically disadvantaged conditions.
The project also aims to improve the living and working conditions of people in precarious situations.
The project is designed to serve as a green business model and circular economy, demonstrating its ability to be self-sufficient and profitable while being environmentally friendly.
Target Population Environment.
The population in precarious conditions will not only be involved in the beginning of the value chain through awareness campaigns, but will also benefit from the final product and the profits of the recycling plant.
These will be reinvested in social, cultural and environmental projects.
Your Donations Can Change Many Lives
The COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia has affected low-income people, as many people generate their daily sustenance by selling small things on the street for their survival and in times of quarantine they are forced to leave, which exposes them to contagion,…
At the moment, governments are asking their citizens to stay at home, to respect isolation and not to go out on the streets. This does not take into account that there are people who do not have enough income to feed themselves and their families. In search of food and money, these people take to the streets even at the risk of being contaminated by COVID-19.
Aware of this extremely precarious situation, we gathered some people here in Geneva (Switzerland) to ask them for financial help, which was sent to a liaison in Cartagena (Colombia), who, thanks to his work in the church, identified several families in precarious conditions and who had asked him for help to feed their children.
With the money raised in this first collection, we were able to deliver 7 markets. We are aware that this help is still very little in relation to the problems faced by these families who live in a state of absolute poverty, which is why our purpose is to continue and to be able to support more families who have nothing to eat. Thanks to your collaboration we can provide food to people who are in conditions of misery.
Monetary Aid
Thanks to your contribution we will be able to buy markets, which will be distributed to the low-income population of Cartagena, Colombia.
For our project it is of vital importance to be able to help families who have young children, they will be a priority, although the markets are also aimed at adults.
Direct Aid
One possibility is for you to make your contribution directly to a family or group of families of your choice.
This assistance can be made directly to a chain of stores that are based throughout Colombia.”Grupo Éxito will create 500 thousand basic markets at cost price, so that many Colombians can support
others who have had to interrupt their work activities because of COVID-19.”
Our Goal is Goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. If you have an interest in this topic, we ask you to sponsor our End Poverty, Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. The pace of this change is slowing, and the AIDS-19 crisis threatens decades of progress in the fight against poverty. New research published by the United Nations University’s World Institute for Development Economics Research warns that the economic consequences of the global pandemic could increase poverty worldwide to an additional 500 million people, or 8% more of the world’s total population. This would be the first time poverty has increased worldwide in 30 years, since 1990.

Your Support Means a Lot
Each donation matters, even the smallest ones. Donate $2 (average price of coffee in the UE) and someone’s life will get better!
Solidarity Contributions
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Initiatives to Develop Projects, which will Help a Better World.
This is another of the objectives of Ayúdenos A Ayudar, whose main goal is to help vulnerable people living in poverty. Through our project we want to launch an initiative aimed at ending the problem caused by plastic waste, which has harmful repercussions on the environment.

Donations to feed children 2 years old and older
Help a family in need, starting today.
Our Focus
Our main focus is providing basic needs for children- water, food, clothes, home, and education. See how we do it:

Donation to education
Donating so that a child can go to school, buy books, pencils and other school supplies.